27 December, 2010

The Misery of Terminal 5

The night was noisy, uncomfortable, cold and restless. I got up around 5am with a severe lack of sleep. While grabbing a coffee, it was announced that all flights for this day have been cancelled either.

The rebooking didn’t work as well as the hotline since no one ever picked up the phone. The hours passed by and I spent my time waiting on a cold stone floor, for anything to change. The BA-Staff wasn’t quite helpful.

I still didn’t get a rebooking around afternoon which was when British Airways threw us out. Everyone without a conformed rebooking had to leave the Terminal immediately. I didn’t have a rebooking but going back to Oxford wasn’t an option since they really had lots of snow the previous night and getting back there was impossible.

After being kicked out of Terminal 5, I waited in the Arrival Hall. Once I managed to get a rebooking, I went back but they wanted to make me go back to Oxford refusing to pay for a hotel room. I spent some time wandering around and found out that the train station had been closed. Back in Terminal 5, I was really tired and finally got a hotel room in Central London.

At least I was able to get some sleep for the next night…Nothing had changed so far, it didn’t snow since Saturday morning…

26 December, 2010

How the Snow stole Christmas

I planned to surprise my family with coming home on Dec. 18th instead of the 22nd and everything was perfect.

Until it started snowing. Wasn’t such a bad thing but the human failure coming along with that was.
Before leaving Oxford on Dec. 18th early in the morning, it started snowing so I checked my flight. Despite the fact that there were some cancellations, my flight was still scheduled to leave right on time. While I was on my way to the airport, I found out that all flight for the day have been cancelled.

It had stopped snowing by the time I got to the airport. I didn’t snow for more then an hour and there were about 3cm of snow and everything broke down entirely. At the beginning I had no idea what to do and waited. As soon as I found out how to rebook my flight – of course British Airways didn’t do that – I tried to relax and waited.

I was told there may be flight leaving late in the evening and we had to wait. The hours passed by and the cold stone floor became more uncomfortable with every passing minute. The time passed by terribly slow and nothing changed.

I went to the bus station, tried to catch a bus but there weren’t any going close to my home in Oxford and I refused to go there since I wanted to go back home!

There was no time for Christmas spirit or any kind of festive feelings during all these troubles.

I spent my first night at Heathrow Airport Terminal 5 and the misery was about to start…

14 December, 2010

I know we all love them and what would Christmas be without some lovely movies?

Some hate them and some simply love them. It’s the same old story every year – and the same old movies every year. Although people like complaining about all the movies and well-known re-runs each year, because it gets boring, we still watch them.

And isn’t that why we love the same old movies when it comes to Christmas?

I can’t make up my mind. Sometimes it bores me but in case there will be new movies at some point, I miss the old ones.

I mean, as sad as the movie is, I cannot imagine a great Christmas time without ‘Jack Frost’ or ‘Christmas Vacation’. Well, the last movie is kinda crazy but pretty funny and I can’t help but watch it every time it airs around Christmas time. I love all those hundreds of lights around the house and I love the way the family behaves with all their relatives. Reminds me of the way I’d love to behave sometimes…

This, and the thought of some of my relatives, remind me of ‘Nightmare before Christmas’. The movie is great, it’s just the title that makes me think of some of my family members. Don’t blame me, they’re not my fault! I hate being stuck in a room with them and pretend to like them although we hardly speak through the rest of the year (not that I mind that)…

Oh, and I love ‘How the Grinch Stole Christmas’. I’m not an ungrateful person, but I sometimes get presents that make me wanna go all Sue-Sylvester-Grinch on other people, because their presents are so much nicer. No kidding, but the thought of that… Admit it, you felt them same when your Granny gave you something you wouldn’t even think of just because anyone else liked it and she didn’t listen to you wishes at all!!!

‘Home Alone’ was always funny when I was a little girl. Still kinda makes me laugh sometimes, but it lost something of its fun after the 20th time…

I do like some of the newer Christmas movies. ‘The Holiday’ for example. All I have to say is Kate Winslet, right? That’s enough reasons to love it. But really, the movie is quite sweet and the soundtrack is adorable! And ‘Love Actually’ is another very, very good one!

But last but not least, there’s no Christmas morning for me and my sister without all these Mickey Mouse Christmas Cartoons while mum gets everything ready for Santa xD I just love being snuggled up in bed with hot chocolate and Disney Christmas Classics, nothing better then that!!! I really miss my childhood at some point so I need to keep it alive with all these wonderful things.

I personally miss all the exciting feelings when it comes to Christmas, was a lot more exciting when I was a kid! No I’m just busy with buying presents, wasting my time on what I’ll wear… bla bla bla! Isn’t that sad?

Mhm, and I’ve never seen ‘A Christmas Carol’, what a shame! And I always wanted to watch it. I mean, did anyone say Kate Winslet and singing?! I really need to watch it!!!

Which one’s your favourite?

12 December, 2010

The Smell of Christmas

Da ich heute, wie jeden Sonntag, ein wenig langeweile hatte (jedenfalls Vormittags) habe ich beschlossen mit einer Freundin - ich weiß ja nicht ob ich den Namen hier sagen darf :) - Kokosmakronen gebacken, nachdem meine Mum mich auf die Idee gebracht hat.

Na ja, was einfaches gibt's eigentlich auch nicht. Ich hab die schon ewig nicht mehr gemacht und ich denke wir haben uns gar nicht so blöd angestellt, abgesehen vom Eier trennen, aber man kann ja schließlich nicht alles können!

Heute ist ja schließlich schon der 3. Advent - wo ist die Zeit hin?!?! - und da dachte ich mir, muss ein bisschen was weihnachtliches her. Zusammen mit einem guten Film, in dem Fall 'Beaches'. Ich mein, Bette Midler muss man doch einfach toll finden und Ben & Jerry's waren auch noch zu Besuch... besser geht's doch gar nicht.

Ach und wieder einmal habe ich festgestellt das Rührei in der Mikrowelle zubereiten eine saubere und zeitsparendere und gesündere Methode ist als die Pfanne. Muss man halt auch mal getestet haben!!!!


Since I used to be bored on Sundays, I decided to do something this time. And it's the 3rd advent which brings us even closer to Christmas and my trip back home. While talking to my mum, she was making macaroons which made me wanna do the same since it's not that difficult!

So, I invited a friend over and I've to say the macaroons aren't that bad at all. I didn't make these in ages! We once again tried the microwave for scrambled eggs which is a quick, tidy and healthy alternative to the frying pan, watched 'Beaches' and had some awesome Ben & Jerry's ice cream!

And I'm slowly getting ready to go home <3

07 December, 2010

Sind wir mal deutsch heute...

Nach langer Zeit habe ich mir überlegt endlich mal wieder was auf deutsch zu schreiben. Ich hab ja jetzt Zeit, irgendwie ist meine Erkältung immer noch nicht weg und mein Doc meinte ich soll paar Tage frei nehmen, wenn ich kann. Ja, KANN ICH :)

Jetzt steht eine Woche lang nix tun auf dem Programm! Muss halt auch mal sein...

Frühstücken im Bett ist schon ganz angenehm, wenn alle anderen währenddessen genervt arbeiten sind (was man deren Facebook-Einträgen entnehmen kann... nicht, dass wir das während der Arbeit posten... lol)

Ich glaube England befindet sich in einer Art Ausnahmezustand. Alle beschweren sich ständig über das dämliche Wetter in England, aber ich muss sagen, dass es bis jetzt sehr schön war. Allerdings ist es mittlerweile kalt geworden. Es hat tatsächlich ein bisschen geschneit, am nächsten Tag sah zwar alles nach wunderschönem Frühlingswetter aus, aber man kann ja nicht alles haben. Jedenfalls höre ich die Engländer ständig über die Kälte meckern und der Winter hat gerade erst angefangen!!!! Und wir haben nur -3°C! Das kann ja lustig werden...

Auf der Arbeit ist immer noch alles beim Alten und die nächsten drei Monate kriege ich auch noch rum...

Bald geht’s Richtung Heimat! Das heißt, PACKEN!!! Und eigentlich finde ich Packen blöd, aber ich nehm schonmal wieder ein paar Sachen mit nach Hause. Ich würde jetzt lügen, wenn ich behaupte Frau war nicht shoppen... hahha

Achso, nur mal so. Hier gibt’s Aldi. Hier gibt’s super Sachen und auch das Essen ist ganz gut – gar nicht so schlimm, wie man immer wieder hört – aber ich habe mich noch nie in meinem Leben so über Aldi gefreut :)

Weihnachtssaison ist auch offiziell eröffnet. Letzte Woche wurden hier ganz feierlich die Weihnachtslichter angeschaltet, das Ganze hat ein bisschen an St. Martin erinnert, nur das hier keiner gesungen hat. Aber so wie ich das in Erinnerung habe hat das bei mir im Kindergarten auch nie jemand...

Einen Nikolaus gibts hier übrigens nicht, dafür habe ich ein tolles Päckchen von meiner Family bekommen <3

Teatime goes USA?!

Since Middle School I always wanted to go to the USA for a year but it never seemed quite possible at that time. During those last month I started thinking about it again and due to the fact that I won’t have time for that after I started studying, I might do it now. Or never and I’d love to be able to experience that and everything that comes along with.

Since I’m still in Oxford, I don’t know if there’s much I can do. At the moment, I haven’t been home for almost three months. I haven’t been as homesick as I thought I would be but I’m still happy to go home for Christmas.

I don’t know if I’ll be able to start studying next year so this might be my chance. The thought of that is exciting I’d lie saying it doesn’t scare me at the same time. But I guess that’s normal, so why not go for it. I’m not even home from my 6-month and I’m already talking about leaving for 12 month again, my mum is gonna love me. I signed up with an organisation and submitted my quick application, giving them my landline no. When I received their email, it said that they’ll contact me within the upcoming days.

LMAO! I’m not hooooooooooooooome! Fail for that xD I better talk to my mum and tell her before she gets the call and tell her to pass them my Oxford No.

I definitely like the thought of doing that and just like I said, it’s now or never. 

Getting ready for Christmas

Since the Christmas lights were officially switched on last week - or was it 2 weeks ago?! - I've been to London to enjoy a bit of festive and chaotic Christmas atmosphere and shopping of course. I have to admit that the lights and all that stuff are really beautiful!!!

12 November, 2010

Apple and how October started hating me

I used to like apples.

And I admit that I was slightly drawn to a couple of nice-looking, overpriced products by a company carrying the same name.

Off I went to the little palace of nice things in London to buy one of their so-loved phones and get away from being tied to a certain service provider (To make it short, the phones are simlock-free).

With thinking about it now, I must be crazy to have spent half of my monthly salary on a phone, but I felt like treating myself.
When I arrived at the ever busy shop in the early evening, the first thing the man in blue asked me was whether I made a reservation.

Excuse me? Say that again!

To be honest, this was exactly what I wanted to do but my little search ended with the result that there's no need for a reservation any longer. The store website didn't seem helpful though it seemed simple on their own laptops in the store.

Anyways, I was told I wouldn't get an iphone without the reservation because there's only a limited number of iphones available each day and they were all gone for the day.
Sounds quite logical but I didn't go all the way from Oxford to London to be told that I'll have to make a reservation and come back the next day.

After getting a little bitchy and not letting go the guy got kinda nervous and went off to check if there's anything left.

Much to my surprise he came back with an iphone, happily announcing that he found one.
Ehm, seriously?! Five minutes earlier he told me that there were nothing left for the day, but I decided not to push my luck and kept that to myself.
Being told that the only way to pay was by credit card seemed to be true for once. If it works. No problem for me, since I got one.
Everything seemed perfect and I even signed the receipt until their system refused to complete the transaction. No one knew why, what a surprise!
We decided to give it another try but it didn't work either. I didn't like it but I was told that no one would take any money out of my account because the transaction was declined.
Due to the fact that I was eager to take that thing home, I offered to try my usual bank card, which, after entering my PIN, refused to work either.
Man in blue got kinda nervous and I offered to pay in cash which suddenly seemed alright.
Easier said then done since the cash for the phone exceeded my daily cash limit, but I still had some with me so that was fine.

I finally got my phone, was re-assured that no one will take my money and spent the rest of my time happily in London.
Despite the fact that my glasses broke that night for no obvious reason and I'm as blind as a mole without them!!!

Monday came and much to my pleasure, I noticed that there's money missing from my account... Something told me I should've know it!

Turn out they charged my account as well so I went to London again – wanted to go anyways, but I decided not to share that with them – and explained what happened. I was told that it should take a few days and everything will be back to normal.

A week and a half passed and nothing happened. I called the customer service since I didn't feel spending £16 on a bus ticket again just because they made a mistake.

Customer Service couldn't help – would've been way too nice!!! - and the only good thing about that was the music when they put me on hold.

So I dragged my ass back to London, seriously pissed this time and none of the guys in blue liked that! I wonder why, that shop was crowded and I freaked out a little, but loud enough for anyone to hear since we discussed that right next to the cash till area.

After all, guy in blue (in case you don't know, the staff member there wear blue shirts) and me read through everything again and finally found the mistakes that made it look so confusing though it didn't bring my money back.
Guy in blue called financial department and said there's no money on their accounts, but not on mine either.

So, where was my money?

To calm me down, I got a nice apple green (that, I call irony!) protection frame and film for the screen to keep my little sweetheart phone (doesn't have a name yet! - maybe I should call it Gonzo...) and made my way back to Oxford.

Or Oxford Street for that matter to calm my spirits. I didn't have cash, but I still had my credit card, right?
You bet! Turns out it didn't work any longer and I already had an idea why...

Next morning I decided to call my bank and ask what the hell happened to my money and my credit card.

Turns out they kept my money on hold for security reasons and the reason why my credit card kept being declined was that Apple indeed charged my cc as well which exceeded my monthly limit...
Took me 5 minutes to have that sorted out and my money was back in my account within the following hour and everything was fine!

And what can I tell you about …. Gonzo (really?!?)? Absolutely adorable though the battery keeps decreasing quickly and it likes freezing, but you can't always get what you want, right?

And by the way, I think I read something that had the term 'Iphone 5' in the title on facebook.

Calm down people?! Just got the new one! I wonder whether that phone includes 'Beaming for Beginners'...

P.S.: My sister just asked me to buy her an iphone too! Dunno what to think about that... Not in the mood for that crap again... ^^

09 November, 2010

Welcome to Reality

When I finished school in May, I had some certain plans for my future.

I'll finish my training year and take my final exam next year to be through with that and go on with studying medicine.

I checked the deadlines and was proud for not missing them and started the application process. Couldn't be that difficult, could it?

Think again!

I found myself confronted with something that completely overwhelmed me at first. All I ever thought of were some basic details, your wishlist of universities along with a copy of my final report.

I wish!

I obediently filled out all those forms, along with information that I never considered being important though who am I to complain?

I reached the section with the special motions and I scarcely ignored that part cause I didn't seem to pitiful for that. Without having a clue, I submitted all that stuff, constantly ignoring that freaking voice inside my head, asking how I might get through medical studies without being able to complete such a stupid form.

I admit, I set my hopes too high. While everyone told me that some universities accepted all their students during the previous years and continue doing so, these were the first ones to turn me down.

Cheers for that!

The first letter seemed quite understandable and I was still fairly positive because four more universities still kept me on their waiting list- One of these glorious institutions even sent me a link, asking to complete another form.

The day came and I cheerfully started completing the thing I was sent. They wanted to know why I wanna be a doctor, where I'd love to work, what I imagine for my future... you name it!
So far so good, I chose my answers as wisely as possible though I was pissed they didn't let me explain my answers and I was keen to make my point clear, no matter what!
They granted me 2 hours to finish it and I remember taking my time with the very last question, feeling somewhat trapped

It said: 'Think of yourself in 25 years. What'll you have reached until then?'

There were those typical choices of what a doctor might become throughout a possible career.
It seemed unfair to me.
What do I choose?
'I'll be happy with whatever I'll be at that time'? Not quite. It could either mean that I don't really care about what I'm doing or that I'm too lazy to work harder to rise and shine as goddess in white. I like that imagination, but let's have a look at the next option.

I think it said something close to 'I'll run my own practice'.
Mhm, sounds quite appealing but as long as I won't end up in a 'Private Practice' somewhere on Ocean Drive where everyone acts as he/she pleases, walks in and out as they please and perform surgeries they're not entitled to, why not?
I'd be happy to start studying, watching fictional characters making it sound so easy while being so overqualified that they must be at least ten years older, but everything is possible, right?

Anyways, to get back to the point, this didn't seem an option because I felt the need to be realistic at once and taking care of old people's colds (Sorry guys!!!) all day wasn't what I had in mind for my future.
So what?
All I was left with seemed a little ambiguous and considering the fact I wasn't given the privilege to justify myself, it didn't leave me that happy.

Being given the choice that basically said 'I'll run your fucking hospital in 25 years' made me think.

I mean, why not? It might say that I'm ambitious and will work hard on whatever crosses my way and that I have an aim I'm trying to achieve. And if that won't work, I'll be happy with the fact that I tried. Of course I didn't have the chance to add the latter.
On the other hand it might say that I'm so convinced of myself that I'll rule the whole thing in no time and be better then anyone else. To make it short, it might make me sound arrogant.

Thinking of some people I already talked to at that point, I was sure they'd think of the second option. Why shouldn't they with being given the right to deny a stranger's future education based on a single answers or words written on a paper.

That actually reminds me of a thing we used to call Basic Law that says it's forbidden to deny education, but unfortunately that excludes universities...

So the second letter arrived and at first glance I had no idea what was going on.

I'll give you one term: Waiting Time! (Makes two words, but never mind...)

I've heard of it before but I never really had a clue what it really way about. That letter said that my Waiting Time is now 0 of 12, so far so good, of 293746374674... what do know.... and then it something with a few more numbers and I was totally confused.

Did I already have waiting time on my account or not? I couldn't tell!

I decided to ask Lord Google for some advice and ended up with a website that was supposed to help others with exactly these questions – that's what their user info said – so I explained my situation in a nutshell.
Two hours later I received an answer from an arrogant, stuck-up twit telling me how stupid I am for not knowing this and that I should've studied more... bla bla bla!
For a second he made me go all psycho and I asked myself just one thing: WHY?!

First of all, I don't think he even got what I was asking for because I didn't ask him to harp on my personal life, so why didn't he just answer my question or kept his mouth shut.
I guess that's because he felt like pointing out that he already got into university, obviously thinking he rules the fucking world from there.

I wish I didn't have to say it, but somehow that shouldn't have surprised me. Most people I asked for help were downright patronizing and disrespectful, telling me how much I failed for not getting in straight away, asking for help.
Excuse me, but who the hell gave you the right to talk to a stranger like this? I think some people need a serious slap around the head...
The problem is – and I wish I didn't have to say this, because there are only a few doctors I'm totally in awe of – that most of them like to forget where they started or what they were before becoming a doctor.
No one wants to know that there were times in which they'd been one of many stupid students. They think they know everything but at the end of the day they'll fail just like anyone else.

To get back to me previous question, I now know that the Waiting Time starts as soon as you finish school.
Is it so hard to include this little piece of information in a single sentence?

The last letter arrived recently, telling me that all other universities – including the one with the nice form – turned me down.
Now, do I start again next year or just wait? I better not ask before someone will bite my head off, you suckers!!!
This is so fucking unfair, seriously.

I worked my ass off during the last 5 years, getting my diploma in Social – and Health Science which included a 12-month internship in a hospital where I did a nurse's job without getting paid AT ALL, not that anyone cared! I spent three years on my educational/teaching training, dealing with other people's spoiled brats and am currently spending my precious time in England and I was told that things like these matter when applying at universities but I didn't even get the chance to mention any of this!
Maybe I should've included a letter, saying:' Excuse me, but I'm certainly way more qualified then 50 % of the scum wasting their time at university, taking away my space without any idea what to do with their lives. Doesn't that matter at all?'

Next time, I mean it.

Despite that, I still didn't get the whole thing of receiving special rights. I do have a disability card, not that I run around, telling people that, but with thinking about that twice, I probably should have. Let's just call it 'illness' to make it short. It's a good thing you can't see it but that doesn't make it easier or gone.
Maybe I'm not disabled enough because you can't see it? Stupid, I know. But for some people, it's the truth. I know someone with a disability affecting the legs – don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this isn't bad and I actually like her, but it's not fair! Anyways, this person got into university, about to start studying something rated similar to medicine.
I'm happy for her, somehow.
What bothers me is the fact that she acts like being the brightest person at all, but she isn't. In fact, I know her final exams were worse then mine, but still she got in.
Wanna know why?
Cause she got a disability card. That's the only reason.
If she'd be mentally affected or had difficulties learning, I'd be the last person complaining but I know she's not that stupid, she was just lazy knowing she'd get in no matter what.
If you ask me, it's not the way it should be, disabled or not. Period.

The whole thing of taking your grades to decide whether you're good enough or not doesn't make sense.
At least 90% of all the things I learned for my abitur won't be of any use, should I ever start studying medicine.
Does it really matter of I got an A in PE? If you wanna be a PE-Teacher, yes. Medicine? Not at all. What kind of reasoning is that?
Excuse me, you got an F in Geography, you're not allowed to study medicine...

Thinking of all doctors I know, a whole lot of them are plainly stupid which makes me wanna ask who they banged to get in...

To be honest, it makes me sad. All I want is being a doctor. I'm glad that I had the chance of meeting a few who showed me how wonderful it can be without being less human. I want to be a doctor because it fascinates me. I love being with people and I love taking care of them. This is all I want and I know I'll be more then passionate about it. Some may ask why I didn't try harder in the first place if this is all I want. Believe me, I did. Though some things aren't as easy as they seem and we can't choose where and who we grow up with.

09 October, 2010

It's not always what it seems...

Nearly 7 weeks passed since I moved to Oxford and I slowly start to settle in but not everything is as wonderful as it seems.

I got used to my work and the journey to get there every morning, the differences between my work at home and the work in England.
I know some nice places where I like to go and I'm not worried anymore for getting on the wrong bus or walking home the wrong way, e.g

I own a nice library membership card (it has the Sheldonian Theatre on the front!!!!) and I also own a Costa Coffee Club Card. I know the last thing is quite random, I just felt like saying it.

The city is still quite nice and there are still a few things left for me to discover but I still have some time left here, right?

Anyways, it's not as wonderful as it all seems to be. I already said that. The thing is that I'm not hanging around at University (and just the record & the 1000th time, I'm NOT a student at the University of Oxford!!!!) with a bunch of people approx. my age to hang out with in the evening and get to know the city and that stuff. I'm working with people who have their own family and friends.

I'm a stranger in this city and I hardly know anyone. I was stupid, I admit I didn't even think of that before I moved here. It may sound so easy to get to know people, but it isn't. And going out alone makes me feel pathetic and lonelier. I mean, think of yourself in your hometown. How many times do you go out alone? Or walk into a cafe and sit down at a stranger's table to talk? I'm sure you don't, not on your own.

Some things are simply not as nice as they seem to be...

25 September, 2010

Ein Besuch bei meinen Nachbarn in London

Letzte Woche habe ich mich spontan auf den Weg nach London gemacht, da es ja praktisch direkt um die Ecke ist! Ich kann ganz bequem mit einem echt coolen Bus - freies Internet und Frühstück!!! - zu anständigen Preise, und wenn ich will auch die ganze Nacht, nach London und zurück fahren!!!


Last week I spontaneously decided to visit my neighbors in London because it's quite easy for me to get there. Taking a great bus that offers free wifi & breakfast and the chance to get back home all night were just too tempting to stay in Oxford...

14 September, 2010

I'm certainly not amused.

Well, I never liked spiders and I don't see there's any way it'll ever change but I've never really been a chicken when it came to this either.

That was, until I went to England. Everywhere I look, there are spiders. And not just these small ones that sometimes sneak into your room. There was a tiny one I let alive in my room at home for almost a week, but this is getting too much. Seriously.
That disgusting things all look alike, no matter where I go and I just can't stand it any longer. And the thing is, there aren't just tiny spiders sneaking into your room. I just got up to get me some clothes and suddenly a huge spider appeared next to my feet. I'm honest here, it was huge and I have no idea where that came from. It just left me shocked but I managed to kill it - even though that further disgusted me - before it had a chance to hide under my bed.

Now I'm all shook up. My room is really small and I think I've checked everything and I guess the only way it came in was through a small space between my door and the ground - so I put a towel there to block it of course - but I actually wanted to go to sleep but I don't see this happening now. I'm too scared.

I know it may be silly but I have no idea how I ended up being close to tears each time I see a spider! It's frustrating and disgusting and I wish I could hide in my very own bed now. In Germany where I know all the places where these damn things could hide...

11 September, 2010

Auf den Spuren von Alice bis ins Wunderland... On the traces of Alice!

Da in Oxford dieses Wochenende sowas wie Tag der offenen Tür ist habe ich mir einige schöne Dinge angeguckt (der Rest kommt morgen) und dabei einige interessante Dinge entdeckt.

Hinter der Christ Church Cathedral befindet sich ein riesiger, wunderschöner Park, der sich Christ Church Meadow nennt.

In diesem Park sind vor einiger Zeit die Geschichten von Alice und dem Wunderland entstanden. Im Jahre 1851 hat ein gewisser Charles Dodgson angefangen der Tochter des Dekans, deren Name Alice war, angefangen Geschichten zu erzählen. Unter dem Namen Lewis Carroll wurden die Geschichten später veröffentlicht.


Do to the fact that it's Open Doors in Oxford, I visited some nice places - more will come tomorrow - I went to the Christ Church Meadow where the stories of Alice and the wonderland originated. In 1851, Charles Dodgon started telling stories to the Dean's daughter named Alice. And a few years later, Lewis Carroll published the stories of Alice in Wonderland

Und morgen gehe ich nach Hogwarts... :) And tomorrow I'll go to Hogwarts!

08 September, 2010

mint, mint, mint

Am Montag hab ich richtig angefangen zu arbeiten und es ist ganz okay. Ich werd mich schon irgendwie dran gewöhnen, ist eben alles ein bisschen anders als in Deutschland, aber das klappt schon irgendwie.

Einkaufen find ich echt witzig, vor allem weil es hier echt coole Sachen gibt. Da macht auch Essen einkaufen Spaß :)

Hier gibt es unglaublich viel mit Minze und ich würd jetzt lügen, wenn ich sage ich find's nicht toll... Es gibt Minz-Mousse und Schokolade und sogar bei McDonalds und Burger King gibt es Minz McFlurry und Sundaes :)

Minz-Mousse war heute leider ausverkauft, dann musste ich schweren Herzens Schoko nehmen... hust


I started working on Monday and it's nice. I just have to get used to everything because there are a few differences between working in Germany and working in England but I think I'll get used to it!

I kinda like shopping here. Especially shopping for food – what a surprise – because there are quite a few nice things here and I love it.

Once thing I realized is mint. Everywhere. And I love it xD

There's mint Chocolate, mint Mousse, mint McFlurry and Sundaes at Burger King and McDonalds, there's simply mint everywhere and I'd lie saying I didn't like it. Wanted to buy some mint Mousse today but it was sold out...will try again tomorrow then.

I wonder if they have Hot chocolate with mint at Starbucks... haha

01 September, 2010

Schonmal bedankt?

Die Engländer scheinen es jedenfalls zu machen. Beim Busfahrer!

Das hab ich bis jetzt jeden Tag gesehen. In den meisten Bussen hier gibt es nur beim Fahrer vorne eine Tür und jeder, der aus dem Bus ausgestiegen ist hat sich beim Busfahrer bedankt. Hab ich in Deutschland noch nie gesehen... aber irgendwie ganz nett, warum auch nicht ;)


Did you ever thank the busdriver for a ride? Well, the English people seem to do so!

Whenever I ride the bus and people get off, they thank the driver. I've never seen that in Germany and honestly never did that either. Never even thought of it, because no one does, you know?! But why not? It seems a nice thing to do :)

First day at work

Heute hatte ich meinen ersten offiziellen Arbeitstag obwohl die Kinder noch nicht da sind. Die kommen nämlich erst ab Montag.

Gestern war ich zum ersten Mal in der Pre-School und habe alles gezeigt und einiges erklärt bekommen und habe schonmal ein paar sehr nette Leute kennen gelernt.

Heute hab ich dann zum ersten Mal meine zukünftigen Kolleginnen getroffen und dann musste erstmal aufgeräumt werden, weil es dort nach den Sommerferien noch sher chaotisch aussah. So konnte ich mir schonmal genau merken wo was hingehört, auf was ich achten muss usw.

Außerdem hab ich zwei 'Key Children' bekommen die ich hauptsächlich beobachten werde und habe schonmal gezeigt bekommen wie man das genau für die Behörden dokumentiert, das ist nämlich etwas anders als in Deutschland. Morgen wird dann noch ein bisschen organisiert und der Garten wird 'spielfähig' gemacht :)


Today, I had my first official day at work though the children don't attend school yet, they'll start on Monday. Now we'll just clean up, organize things and get the pre-school ready for the next term. On Tuesday I went there and met some very nice people and they showed me around.
Today I met the rest of the staff and we started cleaning up the mess they made when summer term was over. It was good for me so I already know where most of the stuff belongs.

Furthermore, I now have two 'key children' who I'll watch and write down every little detail and then I'll learn how to write it down properly and put it in the right files for OFSTED because these things are a bit different compared to the way we do it in Germany.

Tomorrow we'll take care of the rest and get the garden ready for the children!

31 August, 2010

Oxford on a sunny day

 My very sweet new shopping bag xD

 On Magdalen Bridge

 Magdalen College

 Ohhhhh I have to go in there!!!

 I just had to take a pic of it...

 Entrance of the university church

 I have to buy some things there...

 Broad Street

 Entrance to the Botanic Garden of the University of Oxford

30 August, 2010

Walking along Broad Street

Bin bei dem schönen Wetter heute durch Oxford gelaufen... The weather was wonderful today so I took a little walk through this beautiful city...

 View from the Magdalen Bridge

 From the Magdalen Bridge to Broad Road


 Tower of University Church


28 August, 2010


Ich hab's nicht nur geschafft, ich bin auch total geschafft...

Heute Nachmittag bin ich nach London geflogen und zu meiner Überraschung hat es nicht geregnet! Von oben sah London schon echt toll aus. Ich hab dann den falschen bzw. teureren Bus nach Oxford genommen, weil ich einfach ein bisschen verplant war... aber alles halb so schlimm.

Die Gegend auf dem Weg nach Oxford ist wirklich sehr schön und Oxford selber auch, also das was ich bis jetzt gesehen habe...

Ich glaube jetzt werd ich ins Bett gehen, ich bin tot müde!


I finally arrived in Oxford and I'm so exhausted!

Flew to London this afternoon - in the smallest plane I've ever seen - and to my surprise, it didn't rain :) I actually wanted to take the 'Oxford tube' to Oxford but I was a bit confused or just too damn tired and asked a woman for information and went where she told me and was a little surprised when the ticket cost me £20 because I remembered that it was cheaper...

The bus driver asked me three times if I want a single or return ticket... and looked at him, thinking 'Whatever' and just didn't get it... don't ask me why xD

But I arrived at the house, had something to eat and now I need some sleep...

26 August, 2010

Düsseldorf - London - Oxford

So langsam wird es ernst...

In etwa 48 Stunden werde ich meine Reise in Richtung England antreten. Ein bisschen komisch ist es schon, aber ich freue mich trotzdem und ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass ich am Ende auch da ankommen werde wo ich hin möchte und nicht versehentlich irgendwo in Schottland gelandet bin...

Gegen kurz vor 5 am Nachmittag flieg ich erst nach London und fahre dann weiter mit dem Bus nach Oxford umd dann ab dem 01.09.2010 mein Praktikum in einer Vorschule zu beginnen!

Mein Koffer ist fast komplett gepackt und alles andere krieg ich auch schon noch irgendwie mit... ist ja nicht so, dass ich nicht waschen kann... :)

Aber morgen wird erstmal gefeiert, ich freue mich!!!!


It's getting serious people...

In less then 48 hours, I'll start my trip to Oxford. Will fly to London and take the bus to get to Oxford! I can't wait although it feels a little weird but I'm sure it'll pass... and I'm sure I won't end up somewhere in Scotland and find the right way to the house...

On September, 1st, 2010 I'll start my internship in a preschool and I hope it'll all work out!

And tomorrow will be my farewell party and I can't wait cause it'll be awesome!!!

24 August, 2010

I'm going on a trip and I'm taking...

Ich glaube so langsam wurde es auch Zeit... ich hab dann mal mit dem Packen angefangen!

Hat keine fünf Minuten gedauert bis ich vollkommen verzweifelt war, wisst ihr eigentlich wie schwierig das ist für 6 Monate und nicht nur für 3 Wochen Urlaub zu packen?! Na ja eigentlich sollte man meinen, dass es keinen großen Unterschied macht, weil ich waschen kann usw. Aber es IST anders...warum auch immer, ich weiß es nicht.

Wenn man mal bedenkt, dass ich nur 20 kg Gepäck mitnehmen darf und andere soviel für ihren Sommerurlaub brauchen... wo soll das enden? Letztendlich hab ich keine Wahl... ich hatte nicht vor Lufthansa mit meinem Übergepäck zu finanzieren... außerdem geht Frau sowieso Klamotten kaufen in England!

Last-Minute-Waschgang läuft und ich hab noch keinen Plan wie ich den ganzen Rest auch noch in den Koffer kriegen soll... uh-oh... Schuhe muss ich auch noch einpacken, für eine anständige Jacke ist kein Platz mehr. Ich glaube morgen muss ich mir dann wenigstens nochmal einen Regenschirm kaufen.


I started packing!!! Was about time, don't you think so? My well-known love/hate relationship with packing won't ever change I guess but that's just because I'm not allowed to take more then 20kg! I know people who need this much for a summer holiday only! I'll be gone for six months... how am I gonna do that?! Well, I can wash my clothes and so on... but it still feels different, don't ask me why!

Anyways, I didn't even pack my shoes so far and I don't have enough space for a real jacket so I'll better get myself an umbrella, just in case... Did the laundry once more with clothes I wanna take, but I have no idea how to fit these into my suitcase... wish me luck, will ya?!

20 August, 2010


You may already know that I'll go to Oxford in about 8 days and I'll use this blog to keep you updated with whatever comes to my mind. I hope you'll enjoy this as much as I certainly will <3